Real estate investors’ goals vary in nature: Sometimes it’s about growing their portfolio’s value or income from it to a certain amount. In other cases though, it’s all about time. How can they achieve what they want (retirement, financial freedom, quit the job to stay home with the kids) in X number of years? How many assets do they need to purchase and what level of invested capital will be required? And most importantly, how do all the pieces fit together in a coherent strategy?
Our Blueprint Investment Strategy can answer all these questions.
As an example, let’s look at a case study. Say you have a married couple in their mid 40s with 3 kids who have a combined income of $150,000/year. Their goal is to retire in 7 years with an income from their investment portfolio of $75,000/year. Now you might ask: How are they retiring if they’re only earning half of their current income? True, but think about what their current income funds: Their retirement investments, college funds, additional savings etc. All things that go away when you actually, you know, retire. So in this case, they’ve figured out that their living expenses would be comfortably covered by this $75k goal.
So let’s think this through. Each paid off property they will own at the end of 7 years, will produce about $11k/year in pre-tax income. So they will need to own about 7 debt free properties at the retirement finish line to accomplish their desired income. At an average of $30k of invested capital per property owned, that will require about a $200k investment to acquire a portfolio of properties worth about $980k. At acquisition, each of these assets should have a positive cashflow of about $4400/year that we could use to pay off their mortgages within a 7 year timeframe. If this investor were to use nothing but the positive cashflow to accelerate the payoff of mortgages, she could pay off the entire thing in 12.5 years. Since we’re trying to get there in just over half the time, we need to add more firepower to our cashflow to make the process burn faster. So, for this investor to retire in 7 years with an annual income of $75,000 he would have to invest an additional $1,300 each month to increase the rate of debt payoff.
Usually this is the part where things get very quiet. Because it’s a cardinal sin for an investor to invest money monthly in their real estate portfolio, right? I mean, this should be an income producing strategy not an income spending strategy. Think about it this way. Your real estate investment portfolio is being used as a tool to achieve retirement. So let’s look at all the other tools you’ve been using for the same purpose. Mainly your 401(k). You invest about 14k each year in that thing don’t you? And it doesn’t even come close to producing $75k in annual income and over a million in asset value in 7 years. So explain to me, why is okay to invest that kind of money in an “invest and hope for the best” strategy that might get you to retirement at 65 but not in your real estate investing portfolio?
Photo Credit: woodleywonderworks via Compfight